Monday, February 17, 2014

Avocado Baked Eggs

If you love avocados, you're gonna LOVE these!


1 Avocado
2 Eggs
Sausage or Bacon
Salt & Pepper to taste.

Now, you can use as many avocados as you would like, 2 eggs per avocado. Simply slice your avocado in half and scoop out a little room for your egg. You may need to prop it up so it sits evenly and doesn't fall over- use rolled tinfoil for this. I baked mine in a mini loaf pan I have and it worked perfectly. 

Preheat oven to 400

Carefully crack your egg into your avocado over a plate- it will probably run over and you don't want that on your pan. You can also whisk it in a small mixing bowl if you aren't a yolk kind of person. Place filled avocado on your baking pan.  Season with a little salt/pepper (if using) and bake until ALMOST done (15-20 mins). This is when I added my precooked sausage and a dash of cheese. You can add whatever you want to them, or eat them as is. Continue cooking until done to your liking. Healthy breakfast with little work!

Enjoy! :-)

1 comment:

  1. I've seen this recipe floating around Pinterest but I haven't tried it yet, Amanda. You may have just convinced me. It just looks too yummy to pass up! I think I would have it anytime of the day, even for dinner, lol..I love breakfast for dinner! Thank you so much for sharing, Amanda...
