Thursday, January 30, 2014

Slimming Lunch Smoothies

I SWEAR by these. I make one in place of one meal every day. Usually its easiest for me to make it at lunch. I have been drinking a smoothie a day for about two weeks now and can already tell a difference in many ways. It revs up my energy levels, I have lost four pounds (most around my "muffin top"), my hair seems flawlessly healthier and my body feels healthier too. I have never stuck to any kind of "diet" in my life because, well, I hate them. I am STILL not sick of these.

I buy the frozen unsweetened fruit. (blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries) This can look a bit pricey, about 10.00 a bag, but when you think about it, its lunch for a week. Not too bad. Bananas I like fresh. Strawberries, when in season, are also much better fresh.


3 tbsp ground flaxseed
3 tbsp oats
1 C. Plain nonfat yogurt (can use greek)
1/2 C. Blueberries
1/2 C. Blackberries
1/2 C Raspberries
2 C. Fresh Spinach (grinds down to nothing)
1 Banana
1/2 Fresh Avocado
1/2 C Fruit juice/Milk/Water

Add any fresh ingredients first, then add frozen. Add some juice, water or milk to thin it out a little.  Add one or two ice cubes on top. If using all fresh ingredients, add a bit more ice. No one wants a warm smoothie. These are very easy and you can use whatever fruit you like. Add whatever veggies you want. I use flaxseed in mine because its packed with fiber and nutrients you need. Yogurt is good for your gut, so I toss some of that in there too. The oatmeal maintains my hunger longer.
Enjoy! I am enjoying mine right now! :-)

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