Monday, February 10, 2014

Days Like These (Zzzz)

Oh what a rough night I had. A rough night indeed. Child number one went to sleep great and all was looking well for me. I cleaned up the kitchen, picked up the toys in the living room and quietly headed into the bedroom where my husband and (almost) 6 month old were asleep. I picked Greyson up, (the baby, not the husband) and put him in his bed in our room. I still have yet to make it a full night of him sleeping in his own room. I don't know why. I am pretty sure my husband is too afraid to ask me why he is in our room yet. No one messes with a Momma and her baby. 

Anyway, I did what I needed to do right before bed. I could feel the I don't want to's taking over my whole body. I didn't want to wash bottles, oooh how I hate washing bottles. I didn't want to clean the kitchen or pick up toys, but I forced my sleepy self to do it. I really don't like waking up in the morning and tripping over two trucks, stepping on five army men and sliding across the kitchen floor on two toy guns like they are ice skates. No one wants that. 

I get everything done, and quietly settle into my bed. "Wahhhh!". Oh good. His baby radar let him know that he was no longer in bed with his Daddy and that there was a storm headed right in my direction. 

I was sitting on the couch with him yesterday morning and usually check his gums every two days or so to see if there is any progress on his first teeth. Raylan (now 3 years old) got his first two at four months. I stick my pinky in there to feel, sure enough! TWO teeth. And I never even knew he was teething! What a good baby....right? 

Wrong. I wasn't prepared for cranky night time baby. He cried every hour at least, ate about three times which is A LOT more than usual, and he wouldn't let me put him in his bed. When I did sleep, I had one of those weird sleeps like my brain forgot to shut off. "I need to do this and that, make this, research some of this, and make sure to tell my husband this". It just kept replaying every time I closed my eyes. I laid there patting a baby's butt and feeling down right restless most of the night. 

I say goodbye to my husband as he leaves for work at 4:00 am and suddenly wake up to Raylan saying "Daddy isn't here right now. He went to the grocery store! He'll be right back! He is going to get me presents so we need to put up the Christmas tree!". I'm so tired I start wondering if it really is Christmas. What day is it? What month is it? Where am I? I need coffee. If there is one thing I know, it is once the three year old wakes up, your chance of ever falling back asleep just flew right out the window!

So here I sit drinking my coffee with an even worse case of the I don't want to's, hoping the coffee takes some of them away. Crazy part? I wouldn't trade it for the world. There will only be a couple more years like this. Sure it isn't fun when it happens. I feel like I have a hangover without getting to enjoy the drink first. BUT I know in short matter of time I'll be able to sleep like a baby and wake up well rested and drink my coffee in peace, and I am going to miss days like these. <3


  1. Oh Amanda, I remember those nights well...You sure do have your hands full with two little ones. If it makes you feel any better, know, this too shall pass and one day, someday, you will get the much needed sleep you need.

    What I think you need after that rejuvenating cup of Jo is one of those quick gooey pick me ups that you can make in the microwave in minutes. Let me know if you want a recipe I have tons of them on my Pinterest board. A little some sweet and gooey just for you works wonders especially as you think about picking up those toys once again:)

    Thank you so much for sharing, Amanda and thank you so much for your sweet comments on my blog...

  2. You're so sweet. I just got done making a breakfast smoothie. Best one I have made yet I think! That should give me some much needed energy. I'll have to take a look at your "gooey microwavable pick me ups" sometime! Them are my favorite! (Especially on days like these with my "I dont wanna's") I really wouldn't have it any other way though. I love my boys, sleep or not.

    And you're welcome! I love reading your blog. The stories you tell from your past are my favorite. I love hearing a good "back in the day" story. :-)
