Monday, February 10, 2014

What I Do For a "Living"

There are a lot of people in this world who don't agree what us stay-at-home moms do is actual "work". I hear it a lot, "oh, you don't work?" or "you don't have a job?". I would love to trade them places sometimes. I don't, however, get into any of the MOMMY WARS and fighting about it though. It isn't worth it. I have respect for what working mothers do just as much as I have respect for what stay-at-home mothers do. Each job is hard. I can assure you though, that staying at home and taking care of your children is a job of many different colors. What do I do? I'll tell you...

I am a NURSE

I am a Maid

I am a Teacher

I am an Artist

I am a Laundromat

I am a Baker

I am a Chef

I am a Coach

I am a Cheerleader


I am a Costume Designer

I am a Dog Groomer

I am a Driving Instructor

I am an Interior Decorator and Painter

I am a Photographer

I am an Architect 

I am a Pirate's Best Friend

A Cowboy's Mother

A Cowboys Wife

And I'm also Santa Claus

And the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, Jolly Old St. Nicholas...
You name it. 


And that's only what I would put on my Resume.

I teach my children how to have responsibilities, how to love one another, and how to love life. I am so much more than some people think I am. I have so many talents. I don't get paid money for what I do, but I get paid in enough love to last me the rest of my life. It won't run out after I "retire", the government can't tax it or take any of it away. It's like a savings bond that keeps growing as we grow. 

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry to have such a grin on my face, Amanda but I often go through the same thing, sorta. You see, I am retired and people think because I am retired that I don't do anything. Someday I should post my list!

    Never mind what anyone says, you do the best you can do. If that means being a stay at home mom, so be it. My daughter has been home with her children for eleven years and she wouldn't have it any other way. And just think, the list still has room to grow:)

    Thank you so much for sharing...
