Sunday, January 26, 2014

Pigs Feet Stew

Made ya look!! Ugh. Honestly. What do people use these for that they have more than ONE jar in the grocery store? You know what, no, I don't even care.  It's super gross. But I had to. I have a sister who used to collect everything 'pigs' when she was little. She thought they were the cutest things in the world and I like messing with her. Pigs feet stew. Baha!

Anyway, I hope everyone is having a good day. I indulged in a glass or three of wine last night and can totally feel it today. I woke up, made my coffee as usual, poured myself a cup and OH MY GOD it tasted horrible. I dumped that out, heated up some water for tea and sat back down. Ahhh tea. I could drink tea all day long. So calming....

HOLY CATS this tastes yucky too! I sat there with a weird look on my face as I tried to figure out why everything tasted so crappy. "Oh shoot, I think the wine broke my tastebuds!" Does this happen? Should I google it? What is going on. I dump out the tea, open a bottle of water and chug it down. It hits me! Its our water. I go take a taste from the faucet, sure enough. It was like taking a big ol' gulp of ocean water. ICK! The damn cold broke a water pipe last night and shutting the water off must have done SOMETHING to it. Who knows. We let it run until the salty taste was gone. No one wants to take a bath in that. "Hey Raylan, lets pretend we are swimming in the Ocean today!!" Hahaha. No.

Ahhh bless this damn mess. ;-)

1 comment:

  1. I feel so special when you think of me. Nasty pigs feet or not. i think that's a TN thing #yallarenuts lol. Sorry to hear about the water but plz don't use it until the pipes are fixed! You crack me up. Take care and have a great day. Love you! Can't wait for your next blog <3<3
